Water Damage

Water Damage PREVENTION Tips: To prevent sewage backflows talk with a plumber regarding the installation of backflow restrictors and other such devices. Store items above the floor to prevent damage; using either wood blocks or shelving. Be sure down spouts from rain gutters are directing water away from the house. Add window well covers to…

Control Indoor Mold

A 1999 Mayo Clinic study attributed nearly all the chronic sinus infections afflicting nearly 37 million people to mold. Recent studies have also linked molds as a contributing factor in the tripling of the asthma rate over the past two decades. Mold thrives and grows in warm humid areas of our homes, including damp basements,…

Septic System Back up

During the holidays our septic system somehow got plugged and backed up, overflowing all over the bathroom floor, running into the hallway, and soaking a part of the carpeting. I’ll spare you the gory details but let’s just say it was quite a mess. We cleaned up the best we could but now, even though…