A 1999 Mayo Clinic study attributed nearly all the chronic sinus infections afflicting nearly 37 million people to mold. Recent studies have also linked molds as a contributing factor in the tripling of the asthma rate over the past two decades.
Mold thrives and grows in warm humid areas of our homes, including damp basements, bathrooms, air conditioners, humidifiers, garbage and diaper pails. Essentially mold needs two elements to survive and thrive; moisture and a source of food. Food sources are readily available on almost any surface so that leaves moisture. By controlling the moisture within your home you can reduce or eliminate molds ability to get a foothold. Since mold spores are everywhere, you will never get rid of the airborne spores but at least you can curb growth.
One way to curb spore growth is to lower the humidity in your home by either turning down the humidifier or by mechanically de-humidifying.
Humidity should never be allowed to exceed 50% at any time, even if you have hardwood floors. Clean or discard any items that have a mold build up, including shower curtains, tile caulking or items that have gotten wet.
If you have had flood damage or water seepage that was not professionally attended to you are very likely to have growth behind baseboards or within wall cavities. This type of damage can go dormant once the water dries but anytime the humidity level increases this dormancy ends and spore growth continues.
A tell-tale sign of spore growth is a musty odor as you enter the basement or a specific room or closet. Spore growth is a major health concern and should be removed immediately without contaminating the rest of your home.
Dan’s Carpet Cleaning is IICRC Certified in Mold Abatement and will safely remove the mold and restore your home’s air quality to a healthy state.