Spots & Stains Reappearing

Stains or spots you previously cleaned up are now reappearing again? There’s an easy solution to that problem right here. I have 2 children, a dog, a cat and a husband. My carpets really take a beating. When I use a carpet spotter that I purchased at the grocery store, it removes the spots, but…

Water Damage

Water Damage PREVENTION Tips: To prevent sewage backflows talk with a plumber regarding the installation of backflow restrictors and other such devices. Store items above the floor to prevent damage; using either wood blocks or shelving. Be sure down spouts from rain gutters are directing water away from the house. Add window well covers to…

Stain Removal Chart

LIQUID DRY CLEANING FLUID: A nonflammable liquid available in some hardware stores or through this site. PAINT,OIL, GREASE REMOVER: Always neutralize with dry cleaning fluid after using this solution. DETERGENT SOLUTION: Mild, non-bleach detergent (Zero or other delicate soap) 1 tbl spoon into 2 cups warm water. COLD WATER: WHITE VINEGAR: undiluted. AMMONIA SOLUTION: 2…

Spot Cleaning Tips

Pre-test all spotting solutions in an inconspicuous area prior to using on any fabric to make certain the solution will not alter the fibers or damage the texture of the fibers. Dye bleeding will show up on the towel. If any dye transfer or damage becomes visible you should contact a professional technician to clean…

Carpet Warranties

Shaw and Mohawk (the two largest carpet manufacturers altered their carpet warranties by stating: “Effective January 1, 2008 the company will require the use of IICRC Certified Firms for all professional cleaning services.” Additionally cleaning companies must also be compliant with and approved by the CRI/SOA (Carpet & Rug Institute / Seal of Approval) with…

How to Protect Your Carpet

You can drastically prolong the beauty of your carpet and greatly improve the healthful quality of your home environment if you: 1) Don’t wear shoes on your carpet (especially outdoor shoes) as the treads abrade and scuff the carpet filaments more than wearing socks or soft soled slippers. 2) Don’t consume foodstuffs over carpet. Food…

How Carpet Affects Pollutants

CLEANING YOUR CARPET FILTER! My carpet doesn’t have a filter, does it? Well not really, but it does function like one. For reasons I’ll explain later this filtering is very beneficial. Have you ever thought about what is really being collected, tracked through and spilled into your carpet? The most common household pollutants are; dirt,…